LastPass 12/22 Breach Advisory

27 December, 2022

News of the LastPass data breach has concerned many of us. Here are a few things you should know.

Should you happen to be a user of LastPass password manager, we urge you to change your ShareVault user password and your LastPass master password. Your passwords stored at LastPass were collected by hackers, but they are still encrypted, however that encryption can possibly be decrypted. Changing your password makes compromised passwords useless. You can see more about what LastPass reports about this here.

ShareVault administrators, you may implement 2 factor authentication to ensure your users are better protected. The LastPass breach was a serious one, but there were 4,100 other publicly disclosed breaches in 2022 totaling 22 billion records disclosed. Please refer to your ShareVault audit logs for the go-to place to review what your users are up to.

As always, your ShareVault accounts will resist various attack attempts. However, should you suspect there is an issue with your ShareVault account, please contact