Announcing ShareVault 5.2.1 -
Several Useful Enhancements to Improve Your ShareVault User Experience

26 July, 2021

Today, we're happy to announce that on Sunday, July 25th, 2021, we released ShareVault Version 5.2.1.

This update includes several useful features that enhance both functionality and usability.

Mobile Upload

ShareVault 5.2.1 includes a new mobile upload feature, so you can upload files to ShareVault right from your iOS or Android SmartPhone.

New Batch Download Tool

ShareVault's new and improved batch download tool improves the robustness of large batch downloads by separating the zip operation from the download itself. The new tool includes a Downloads center, where at any time for a period of up to 3 days after requesting the batch, a user can go to download the zip files to their desktop.

Connectors Upload Enhancement

The user experience for uploading files from via a connector, such as Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint or DocuSign, has been enhanced to make it even easier to use. If you have upload rights in a ShareVault that has a configured connector, you will have received an email explaning the changes.

Usability Enhancement for Tagged Uploading

The user experience for uploading to existing tags (folders) has been enhanced to make it even more intuitive.

New Feature to Share Tag Links

Admins can now share tag links via a new menu item that appears on each tag (folder). There are two kinds of tag links that can be shared with other ShareVault users: One to display the list of files in that tag (folder), and the other to upload to that tag (folder).

Improvements to the Policies Page

Further improved the behavior of the Policies Page, making it easier to handle multiple expired policies.