Microbiome: Hope or Hype
Although we have long known about the existence of microbes—the tiny bacteria, fungi and archaea that live all around us, on us, and in us—interest in how the microbiome might impact human therapeutics has become a hot topic in research only recently.
It is estimated that there are as many as 100 trillion bacteria in the human body. At that number, the human body and its microbiome live in a symbiotic relationship with each other, and it is speculated that one cannot live without the other.
Will future advances in deciphering this paradigm provide hope and revolutionize the healthcare industry of the future and help innovate new ways to control disease and human growth, or is this hype going to unlock a Pandora’s Box of issues, which we understand little about now?

Ravi Kiron, PhD, MBA - Moderator
Managing Partner, BioPharm Strategy Advisors Inc.

Mark S. Wilson, MBA - Panelist
President and CEO, MatriSys Bioscience, Inc.

Colleen Cutcliffe, PhD - Panelist
CEO and Co-Founder, Whole Biome

Mohan Iyer, MBA - Panelist
Chief Business Officer, Second Genome
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