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The Seven Deadly Sins of Selling Your Tech Company

Veteran dealmaker and Managing Director, David Stastny reveals the essential attributes of high multiple and valuable technology companies.

David reviews and demonstrates how to recognize, avoid, or remediate the “7 Deadly Sins of M&A due diligence” to reach an exceptional outcome. He also explores the positive valuation triggers that both strategic, private equity buyers, and minority investors employ to justify premium valuations.

Learn positive valuation tips in the area’s of:

  • Total Available Market “TAM” analysis and optimal niche market dynamics
  • Presenting and optimizing technology company revenue growth trajectory
  • Founding and Executive “best practice” Team training
  • Critical Technology/IP assets
  • 1st mover advantage critical or positioning as a “fast follower”
  • Valuating Unique assets
  • Operating model analysis
  • Revenue model (SAAS) and pipeline review
  • Governance structure-BOD, investors, legal and accounting
  • Competitive environment analysis
  • Crisp Execution and operating plan specifics

Additionally, Mr. Stastny reviewed the “critical M&A Technology Valuation factors and the Seven Deadly Sins" which can cause reduced purchase prices, severe post-deal governance, escrows and earnouts, and often an aborted acquisition process!


Company team
David Stastny

Managing Director, Architect Partners

Mr. Stastny is a Managing Director with Architect Partners, a boutique investment banking firm located in Silicon Valley specializing in M&A and helping businesses attract strategic investors. David has advised senior management and board members within the technology sector since the 1990s and specializes in helping drive premium-value outcomes where communicating the potential for the future state of the business is paramount. David Stastny is a registered representative with the broker/dealer  Weild & Co.  member FINRA/SIPC.  Learn More


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